Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Week 7

Ciao Famiglia!
Holy heck!  Week seven has flown by.  Only like 650 days to go!  This week has been good.  It's had ups and downs but overall good.  

We have a new investigator and two really probable new investigators.  On Sunday we saw C... again after a while not seeing him and he came to church with us!  Then we taught a lesson too him Monday that went really well.  He seems really open and spiritually in tune.  Then there's Ed... who seems really excited and really excited and really interested.  The only problem is he lives kinda far away in a place called Gallo and Marco (the person who he gets a ride to English class from) is not too interested in coming a little early for lessons.  But I'm excited to see if we could go there are teach Ed... There's also Luigi from our English class who seems interested too.  He's a good jumper ; )

L... has been really sick this week so we haven't seen her.  Also, I'm a little worried about Fabrizio because he has not come to church since he was baptized.  He works outside of Pesaro a lot and has to miss sometimes.  

Anyways, how did the week go for you guys?  Did Audrey kiss any boys?  Getoufromwayfromroundemboys Audrey!  

I got your tree which is really cool!  I laughed when I saw that.  So Mom, one thing I do need is more of that Benzoyl Peroxide stuff that was prescribed for me for my red face lumps, because I am out and it works.  Maybe just in the next package you send me.  Don't stress about it.  

Ok well I seriously love you guys a ton.  I love you guys more than the amount of J-Dubs in this town.  

That's all I can think of for this week.  Ciao!

1-Card game P-day (we also played volleyball).
2-FHE with la Famiglia Falchi.
3-Some Pasta I made. (It's not that special, I have pasta like everyday).

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