Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Week 46

Ciao Famiglia!  How is everyone?

I'm really sad that I missed Dad's birthday run that sounded like a lot and a lot of fun.  If I was there I wouldn't have let Dad win ✊ I hope he liked it though and I hope he liked my video that I sent.  It took like 17 takes to get it just right.  

Yeah Maham I remember when we went on missions for FHE and I totally faked all of you guys out by tricking you into thinking that I had done my mission in like 2 seconds....  Legend!  By the way about this whole serving a mission thing, I think I'm gonna just do everything I need to do still really really fast and then come home early and say "I did it!"  That would be the biggest prank of the century right there.  "So brother Tagg why did you come home from your mission early?"  "I finished it all early 😏"

But yeah I miss those days too even if I don't remember a lot.  I do remember 'Super-Dog's Lost Mother' though.  Honestly, you guys make fun of Max's super power but pensandoci sleep-power would beat super strength, lightning, and acid in a heartbeat.  I also remember playing 'Cowkids' with Evan.  Sometimes those games of 'Cowkids' would last days.  Or we would just pretend like a day had past by laying down, "falling asleep" and then after like three seconds one of us would make the sound of a rooster crowing and it would be morning time again. Good times!

Anyways things here in Ravenna are going well.  It's been a little rough because we have gotten a tonnnnn of bidoni (cancellations) this week.  Literally I think everyday we had at least one appointment that fell through.  But hey, at least that means we have appointments that can fall through amIrite?  We've always been super busy though so that's really good.  

This week Anziano Mosteller call me and asked if I wanted to do a musical number with him for the mission tour which will be tommorrow.  Kinda late notice and it's kinda a hard piece, but I'm sure I'll be fine.  The only thing is we can't get together and practice until the day pf the concert.  So yeah pray for me.  It'll be fine though.  Something unusual did happen when I was playing last night though that Dad should probably know.  I was practicing for the piece and then this member came who also plays the violin and wanted to play with me.  I ended up playing the violin for a long long time and afterwards my hands were acting weird.  Ya know, like from before the mission when my right hand would get this kinda twitch?  it was like that but both of my hands.  It bascically felt like both of my hands fell asleep or cramped up a little and when I relaxed them they went all weird.  IDK.  could be just a cramping up of my hands but it seemed to be the same thing that would happen before the mission but worse this time because it was both of my hands.  So that's what made me worry a bit.  Don't worry too much you guys it wasn't that bad.

I'm sorry that Audrey had a bad experience at school.  Tell her to just getoutfromwayfromroundemboys.  Tell her also that I love her.  Also tell that to Brynbo.  But don't tell either one that I told the other one.

Anyways that's it for this week.  I'll try my best to call this week but it might be a little difficult this time.  I'll let you know.  I love you guys!

1 A brawl in the church (jk self defence activity)
2-4 Photos with the Branch.  They are awesome!
If you notice in one of those pictures the little kid in front is using the force on you guys so be careful.

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