Friday, July 13, 2018

My Testimony

Over the course of my time in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints my testimony of Joseph Smith and the Restoration of the Gospel has grown an immense amount.  My testimony that Joseph Smith was an ordained Prophet of God has been strengthened by reading the sacred book that he found and translated.  Had the Book of Mormon been produced from young Joseph's mind alone, he would have had to have extensive knowledge concerning ancient language, history and cultures.

Despite all these facts however, I know that I feel the spirit when I read the words of the Book of Mormon which is the greatest testimony too me that Joseph Smith's work was the true work of God.  Joseph Smith was the first of many modern day prophets which have guided me throughout my life.  Although the word of God never changes, the world is constantly changing around us and we are faced today with many new an even temptations.  This is why we need modern day prophets to convey Heavenly revelation to the Church.  Modern day prophets have been such a blessing in my life and that is why I am so grateful for Joseph Smith and the sacrifices he made to restore this Gospel and make available to me the blessings of revelation.

Andrew Tagg

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Opening The Call

I was in Provo, Utah attending BYU when my call arrived.  My family is from Maryland and watched me open it via live video.  I was at my Aunt Jolynne's home with relatives and friends around to watch.